DELETE /stuff/:id Delete a thing

This method allows the user to post a new thing to his stuff.


  • :id is the id the thing to delete.
  • The headers must include a valid authentication token.
  • The body is omitted.


Sends back a collection of things.

Status: 200 Deleted

    code: 200,
    message: 'Your thing (id: 736) was deleted'

For errors responses, see the response status codes documentation.

PUT /stuff/:id Update a thing

This method allows the user to retrieve his stuff.


  • :id is the id the thing to update.
  • The headers must include a valid authentication token.
  • The body can't be empty and must include at least the name attribute, a string that will be used as the name of the thing.

Authentication: bearer f862f658-ad89-4fcb-995b-7a4c50554ff6

    name: 'My new thing'


Sends back a collection of things.

Status: 200 OK

        id: thing_1,
        name: 'My first thing'
        id: thing_2,
        name: 'My second thing'

For errors responses, see the response status codes documentation.

POST /stuff Post a thing

This method allows users to create a new thing.


  • The headers must include a valid authentication token.
  • The body can't be empty and must include at least the name attribute, a string that will be used as the name of the thing.

Authentication: bearer TOKEN

    name: 'My new thing'


If succeeds, returns the created thing.

Status: 201 Created

    id: new_thing,
    name: 'My new thing'

For errors responses, see the response status codes documentation.

GET /stuff Get stuff

This method allows users to retrieve stuff.


  • The headers must include a valid authentication token.


Sends back a collection of things.

Status: 200 OK

        id: thing_1,
        name: 'My first thing'
        id: thing_2,
        name: 'My second thing'

For errors responses, see the response status codes documentation.


This method allows users to retrieve stuff.


Sends back a collection of things.

Authentication: bearer TOKEN

    id: thing_2,
    name: 'My second thing'

For errors responses, see the response status codes documentation.

Response status codes


Successes differ from errors in that their body may not be a simple response object with a code and a message. The headers however are consistent across all calls:

  • GET, PUT, DELETE returns 200 OK on success,
  • POST returns 201 on success,

When retrieving stuff for example:

Status: 200 OK

        id: thing_1,
        name: 'My first thing'
        id: thing_2,
        name: 'My second thing'


Error responses are simply returning standard HTTP error codes along with some additional information:

  • The error code is sent back as a status header,
  • The body includes an object describing both the code and message (for debugging and/or display purposes),

For a call with an invalid authentication token for example:

Status: 401 Access denied

    code: 401,
    message: 'Access denied: invalid authentication token.'